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steel prices

The Stunning Idiocy Of Steel Tariffs

The Stunning Idiocy Of Steel Tariffs

Submitted by Pater Tenebrarum via,

Victims of the Boom-Bust Cycle

The world is drowning in steel – there is huge overcapacity in steel production worldwide. This is a direct result of the massive global credit expansion that has taken place over the past 15 years. Much of this capacity is located in China, but while the times were good, iron ore and steel production (and associated lines of production) was expanded everywhere else in the world as well.


Steel factory

Shorts Pulverized As Iron Ore Soars 19% After Goldman Says "Bearish Case Intact"

Shorts Pulverized As Iron Ore Soars 19% After Goldman Says "Bearish Case Intact"

Goldman does it again.

Just hours after the central banker-spawning investment bank issued a report in which it said the iron ore rally is likely to be short lived "in the absence of a material increase in Chinese steel demand, and steel raw materials will once again drive steel prices rather than the other way around", overnight Iron Ore futures traded on the Singapore SGX exploded as much as 19% higher to $58.95 in one session.