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monetary printing press

Central Bank Money Printing - The Rotten Philosophy That Lies Beneath

Submitted by Richard Ebeling via The Future of Freedom Foundation,

If advocates of freedom were to make up a list of New Year’s resolutions for 2016, one of the most important items should be ending government’s monopoly control over money. In a free society, people in the marketplace should decide what they wish to use as money, not the government.

Paper Money Versus The Gold Standard

Submitted by Richard Ebeling via,

We are living in a time that can only be considered monetary chaos. The U.S. Federal Reserve has manipulated key interest rates down to practically zero for the last six years, and expanded the money supply in the banking system by $4 trillion dollars over that time. And with the true mentality of the monetary central planner, the Fed Board of Governors are now planning to manipulate key interest rates in an upward direction that they deem desirable.