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Sorry Hillary: Former Clinton Advisor Thinks Joe Biden May Be The Nominee

Sorry Hillary: Former Clinton Advisor Thinks Joe Biden May Be The Nominee

By Douglas Schoen, former political adviser and pollster for President Bill Clinton in the years1994-2000. Originally posted in the WSJ

Clinton Might Not Be the Nominee

There is now more than a theoretical chance that Hillary Clinton may not be the Democratic nominee for president.

How could that happen, given that her nomination has been considered a sure thing by virtually everyone in the media and in the party itself? Consider the possibilities.

Bernie Sanders Could Win Nomination If He Beats Clinton In California

Hillary Clinton could lose her chance to face-off Donald Trump in the general election if she takes her eye off Bernie Sanders in the upcoming California primary on June 7. An influx of voter registration threatens to derail Ms Clinton’s lead over Bernie Sanders. A win for Sanders in the June 7 presidential primary contest in California would give him the credibility to flip Clinton’s super delegates to his side at the Democratic National Convention in July.