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money printing

Bubble Watch: The Bank of Japan is About to Shock the World

The Bank of Japan (BoJ) will RAISE rates in 2018.

And it’s going to collapse the stock market.

The #1 driver of the stock market is Central Bank money printing. In 2017 alone, the BoJ and the European Central Bank (ECB) have printed over $1.5 TRILLION and funneled it into the financial system.

The primary goal of this is to ramp stocks higher. But the consequence is that inflation has been unleashed.

We are getting signs of an inflationary shock throughout the world: in Germany, China, the US, the UK, and even Japan.

Austerity Isn't Dead, It Will Come Back With A Vengeance

Austerity Isn't Dead, It Will Come Back With A Vengeance

Authored by Jonathan Rochford via,

There’s been a steady stream of recent articles claiming that austerity is dead. The “magic” of false measurements, animal spirits and money printing are used to convince the gullible that there is an easy way out.

This one from James McCormack at Fitch argues that populist politicians are responsible for killing off pragmatic economic policy.

What Is Money Printing?

by Keith Weiner


There is a populist idea of money printing. The idea is that banks can just print what they want, enriching themselves in a massive fraud. But, does it really work this way?

Let’s start with a simple case, which is clearly not money printing. We will build a series of examples by adding one element at a time, working our way up to banks, and the central bank. Then we can examine this idea of printing.