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Here’s Why Italy’s Banking Crisis Has Gone Off The Radar

Authored by Don Quijones, Spain & Mexico, editor at Wolf Street

Here’s Why Italy’s Banking Crisis Has Gone Off the Radar

For a country that is on the brink of a gargantuan public bailout of its toxic-loan riddled banking sector, or failing that, a full-blown financial crisis that could bring down the European financial system, things are eerily quiet in Italy these days. It’s almost as if the more serious the crisis gets, the less we hear about it — otherwise, investors and voters might get spooked. And elections are coming up.

Italian Officials Call For Investigation Of Soros-Supported NGO Migrant Fleet

Italian Officials Call For Investigation Of Soros-Supported NGO Migrant Fleet

Authored by William Craddick via Disobedient Media,

Italian authorities are calling for monitoring of the funding of an NGO fleet bussing migrants into the EU from the North African coast after a report released the European Border and Coast Guard Agency has determined that the members of the fleet are acting as accomplices to people smugglers and directly contributing to the risk of death migrants face when attempting to enter the EU.

Italian Officials Call For Investigation Of George Soros Supported NGO Migrant Fleet

Italian Officials Call For Investigation Of George Soros Supported NGO Migrant Fleet

Via Disobedient Media

Italian authorities are calling for monitoring of the funding of an NGO fleet bussing migrants into the EU from the North African coast after a report released the European Border and Coast Guard Agency has determined that the members of the fleet are acting as accomplices to people smugglers and directly contributing to the risk of death migrants face when attempting to enter the EU.

Whose Banks Are Riskiest: A Surprising Answer From The BIS

Whose Banks Are Riskiest: A Surprising Answer From The BIS

When one thinks of unstable, risky banking systems, the first thing that comes to mind are visions of insolvent, state-backed building - with or without long ATM lines - in China, Greece, Italy or, in recent times, Germany. However, according to the most recent report by the Bank for International Settlements, the country with the riskiest banking system is neither of these, and is a rather "unusual suspect."
