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Feds Say Condo Involved In NYC's Largest Foreclosure Tied To Nigerian Corruption Case

Feds Say Condo Involved In NYC's Largest Foreclosure Tied To Nigerian Corruption Case

New York City real estate, particularly the luxury market, is a popular refugee for world’s corrupt, self-dealing public servants and the crooked businessmen who bribe them. China cracked down on wealthy citizens seeking to stash their wealth in international real estate by adding several deterrents to its capital controls earlier this year (Among them, Chinese investors moving money out of the country must now sign a pledge saying it won’t be used to buy real estate, or investment securities).

Why Did Loretta Lynch Grant Trump Jr's Russian Lawyer A Special Visa To Enter America?

Why Did Loretta Lynch Grant Trump Jr's Russian Lawyer A Special Visa To Enter America?

With everyone now rummaging through every document, intercept, and memo for something, anything tieing Trump to Russia, The Hill's John Solomon and Jonathan Easley have unearthed details that show the Russian lawyer who penetrated Donald Trump’s inner circle was initially cleared into the United States by Loretta Lynch's Justice Department under "extraordinary circumstances" after she had initially been turned down.

"I'm Gonna Unchain The Dogs" Bannon Warned Ailes During Trump-Fox Spat

"I'm Gonna Unchain The Dogs" Bannon Warned Ailes During Trump-Fox Spat

Amid the 2016 Presidential campaign, White House chief strategist Steve Bannon reportedly told late Fox News head Roger Ailes to "go fuck yourself" during the Trump campaign’s battle with the news network.

New York Magazine reported that Ailes, who died in May, sent his personal lawyer, Peter Johnson Jr., to Breitbart headquarters in D.C. to tell Bannon to stop running stories against then-Fox News host Megan Kelly, who questioned to President Trump during a primary debate about his behavior and language about women.
