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These Are New York City's Top-Selling Condo Buildings

These Are New York City's Top-Selling Condo Buildings

With the New York City real-estate market sagging under the weight of too much inventory following a credit-driven surge in multifamily housing in recent years, the return of Manhattan’s marginal buyer could finally be at hand.

A ranking of the city’s best-selling condo buildings from Property Shark hints at how the ultra-high end of the market, where units can sell for $20 million or more, appears increasingly vulnerable. While some of the top-selling buildings have racked up impressive sales totals, some have vacancy rates as high as 40%.

Tennessee Counties Sue Opioid Makers Using Local "Crack Tax" Law

Tennessee Counties Sue Opioid Makers Using Local "Crack Tax" Law

The US opioid epidemic has continued to worsen in 2017 as super-powerful synthetic opioids like fentanyl and carfentanil taint the nation’s heroin supply. While the FBI’s final tally has yet to arrive, preliminary data suggest that overdose deaths last year eclipsed the 50,000 recorded nationally in 2015 – the most ever. And the body count is expected to be even higher in 2017.

Former News Corp Boss Admits "The Media Isn't Going To Change... In Fact It Will Get Worse"

Former News Corp Boss Admits "The Media Isn't Going To Change... In Fact It Will Get Worse"

Authored by Erico Matias Tavares via Sinclair & Co.,

Marty Pompadur is a reference in the global media industry, where he is involved as an investor, advisor and board member. Until recently he was global vice chairman of media and entertainment for Macquarie Capital based in New York City.

Mapping The U.S. Zip Codes Where "The Rent Is Too Damn High"

Mapping The U.S. Zip Codes Where "The Rent Is Too Damn High"

As America's young snowflakes graduate their liberal bastions of higher education and get ready to migrate around the U.S., at least those who were lucky enough to actually find a job after graduation and avoid the embarrassment of moving back home with mom and dad, we thought it would be helpful to take a look at where they might get the most safe space square footage for their money. 

Sales Of Ultra-Luxury Homes In Greenwich Continue To Plummet

Sales Of Ultra-Luxury Homes In Greenwich Continue To Plummet

It used to be that low state income taxes and practically non-existent property taxes, at least compared the neighboring county of Westchester in New York, was more than enough to lure Manhattan's hedge fund billionaires out to Greenwich, CT.  But, it seems that a festering pension crisis and resulting state income tax hikes in Connecticut has resulted in many of NYC's gazillionaires choosing a trophy 3,000 square foot apartment in "the city" over a 10,000 square foot Greenwich mega-mansion.  
