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An Angry Rudy Havenstein Lashes Out: "No, The Fed Is Not Populist"

An Angry Rudy Havenstein Lashes Out: "No, The Fed Is Not Populist"

Submitted by Rudy Havenstein

After years of seeing terrible market news and commentary, I’m pretty jaded, but when I saw the recent Marketwatch op-ed, “Janet Yellen’s true legacy is her focus on middle-class wages” (by Tim Mullaney), I thought such nonsense needed a reponse that went beyond 280 characters. (Half of Mullaney’s article is an anti-Trump rant, which is fine, and which I will ignore).

"If something is nonsense, you say it and say it loud."– Nassim Taleb

CME Unveils "Weirdest Chart Ever"

CME Unveils "Weirdest Chart Ever"

Authored by Erik Norland via CME Group,

We freely admit: Figure 1 is probably the strangest chart that you will ever see, at least in finance. 

You may be wondering: did they throw blue spaghetti noodle on paper for inspiration and then write an economics article about it?  Or, have they spent too much time with disciples of psychologist Timothy Leary, a proponent of experimenting with psychedelic drugs?

Figure 1: Weirdest Chart Ever
