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Obama Writes Op-Ed To "Blood Brother" Britain: Don't Leave EU (Or Else)

Obama Writes Op-Ed To "Blood Brother" Britain: Don't Leave EU (Or Else)

You know the British establishment is in full panic mode when not only do they allow President Obama to visit the nation just a month after throwing Cameron "distracted by other things" and his European neighbors under the bus over the collapse of Libya, but, despite 100 members of Parliament signing a letter telling Obama "not to interfere" with Britain's domestic affairs, The Telegraph prints an Op-Ed in which the lame-duck president lords it over the British citizenry with a veiled threat that should they "his friends" leave Europe, the "special relation

California Earthquake Fears Rise As Sidewalks Open Up

Residents in California have reported that sidewalks are opening and lifting up from the ground, as the force that caused the recent earthquakes in Ecuador and Japan has now begun affecting California. Experts have warned that pressure from the Pacific Tectonic plate threatens to crush the west coast of America.  According to photographs submitted by a resident in Palm Springs, California is about to suffer a very large earthquake in the next few days.
