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The Eleventh Republican Debate

The eleventh Republican debate didn’t tell us much that we didn’t already know, and it reconfirmed most of the bad things we knew about the different candidates. Trump was confronted with a number of his position changes, and did his best to spin them as evidence of his “flexibility.” He and Rubio spent a significant amount of time trying to shout over each other.

Desperation Moves: Romney Plots To Block Trump At Republican Convention

Desperation Moves: Romney Plots To Block Trump At Republican Convention

Only in America's so-called democracy could a proven "loser" so vehemently and shamelessly condemn a current "winner" with the goal of overturning 'we, the people's' prospective leader in favor of himself. In the latest (and most desperate) action from the neocon establishment, CNN reports Romney has instructed his closest advisers to explore the possibility of stopping Donald Trump at the Republican National Convention (by revising rules for instance).

USA Attempt To Avert World War 3 With North Korea, Impose Tough Sanctions

The U.S. have announced harsh new sanctions against North Korea in a bid to avert World War 3 and prevent Kim Jong-un from firing missiles at America.  The White House say the measures are intended to make it almost impossible for the communist regime to build or acquire nuclear weapons, but have admitted that the sanctions could provoke a world war. reports: The standoff started when the rogue nation conducted its first successful atomic bomb test in January. Soon after, the sinister socialist state warned its weapons could wipe out the whole US at once.

Experts: “Eject Turkey From NATO Now”, As Ankara Provokes War With Russia

Experts are calling on NATO to eject Turkey from its membership over fears that Turkish authorities are deliberately trying to provoke a war with Russia.  New York Post writer Benny Anvi warns that NATO’s very existence is under threat due to Turkey’s continual provocations: “Can anyone envision America — or anyone else in the alliance — rushing to Turkey’s aid in a military confrontation with Russia?” Anvi asks.

Robert F Kennedy Jr. Says The U.S. Wants To Overthrow Syrian Govt

Robert F Kennedy Jr. has  said that most Americans are unaware that Washington aims to overthrow the democratically elected Syrian government. RFK Jr, a US attorney and nephew of the late US President John F Kennedy, wrote that the US decided to remove Syrian President Bashar al-Assad from power after he refused to back a Qatari gas pipeline project. Sputnik news reports: The CIA went ahead with this plan after the multi-billion dollar pipeline project first surfaced in 2000, years before the Arab Spring uprising in Syria took place.
