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Gallup: "The Amount Of Debt Americans Carry Is Staggering And Grows Every Day"

Gallup: "The Amount Of Debt Americans Carry Is Staggering And Grows Every Day"

And the revelations just keep on coming.

One day after the St. Louis Fed spent thousands in taxpayer funds to "discover" that, gasp, "consumers across the country are borrowing more to buy cars and go to school", yes really...

Does a JFK, RFK, MLK Moment Await Trump?

Does a JFK, RFK, MLK Moment Await Trump?

Guest Column by Stephen Lendman

Bipartisan gangsters running America let nothing interfere with their ruthless agenda, waging war on humanity at home and abroad, serving monied interests exclusively.

Trump won’t change longstanding policies if elected president. Yet Republican power brokers and media scoundrels want anyone but him representing the party in November.

Will they choose the nuclear option to prevent it? Will long knives eliminate his candidacy the old-fashioned way?

American Allies Speak Against Restraint at CPAC

The decline of American leadership abroad took stage at CPAC this Thursday.

A breakout session titled “The State of Our Alliances” featured scathing reviews of the Obama administration’s treatment of the U.K., Israel, and Japan. But ultimately, this panel ignored any and all American interests in these alliances and offered the audience a lopsided argument. Worse, this is not a one-time offense.
