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Trump Backtracks On JFK Files; Vows To Release "Just About Everything To Public"

After promising to release all of the highly-anticipated JFK assassination files from the National Archives, Trump backtracked yesterday, reportedly on pressure from the CIA, and added a whole new layer of conspiracy theories onto an event that was already rife with conspiracies about how/why Kennedy was killed. 

Goldman Sachs Maintains The Most Tax Havens Of Any US Company... By Far

Goldman Sachs Maintains The Most Tax Havens Of Any US Company... By Far

Multinational companies based in the United States are able to avoid paying an estimated $100 billion in federal income tax every year through the use of tax havens.

As Statista's Niall McCarthy notes, a recent report from the Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy has found that 366 of America's largest 500 companies maintain 9,755 tax haven subsidiaries holding over $2.6 trillion in accumulated profits.

You will find more statistics at Statista
