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The Curious Case Of Missing The Market Boom

The Curious Case Of Missing The Market Boom

Authored by Raul Ilargi Meijer via The Automatic Earth blog,

“The Cost of Missing the Market Boom is Skyrocketing”, says a Bloomberg headline today. That must be the scariest headline I’ve seen in quite a while. For starters, it’s misleading, because people who ‘missed’ the boom haven’t lost anything other than virtual wealth, which is also the only thing those who haven’t ‘missed’ it, have acquired.

The NYTimes Asks Reporters To Stop Being Partisan On Social Media

The NYTimes Asks Reporters To Stop Being Partisan On Social Media

Days after James O'Keefe released his latest undercover video which took direct aim at the New York Times' Audience Strategy Editor, Nick Dudich, who repeatedly admitted to promoting content that intentionally seeks to, among other things, damage President Trump's businesses as a means towards forcing his resignation, The New York Times became the latest mainstream media organization to “clarify” its social media policy for journalists, reminding them that “partisan” posts (i.e. posts explicitly bashing President Donald Trump) will no longer be tolerated.

Is Washington Trying To Starve 60,000 Syrians Washington Has Trapped In A Refugee Camp?

Is Washington Trying To Starve 60,000 Syrians Washington Has Trapped In A Refugee Camp?

Remarks by Russia’s Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman

by Stephen Lendman ( – Home – Stephen Lendman)

On Thursday, Russia’s Foreign Ministry said 92% of Syrian territory was freed from (US-supported) ISIS control.

In the past week alone, Russian airpower conducted 517 sorties, destroying over 1,260 facilities controlled by terrorists.

The Less We Believe Them About Las Vegas, The More They Want Our Guns

The Less We Believe Them About Las Vegas, The More They Want Our Guns

Authored by James George Jatras via The Strategic Culture Foundation,

Once again, there has been a mass shooting in the United States and the usual script is in play.

America’s ‘gun culture’ is to blame!

  Before the blood was dry gun control advocates had trotted out their standard list of remedial measures, none of which would have prevented what had just taken place.

Tech Vs. Trump: The Great Battle Of Our Time Has Begun

Tech Vs. Trump: The Great Battle Of Our Time Has Begun

Authored by Niall Ferguson via The Spectator,

Social media helped Donald Trump take the White House. Silicon Valley won’t let it happen again...

In the 1962 Japanese sci-fi classic King Kong vs Godzilla, the two giant monsters fight to a stalemate atop Mount Fuji. I have been wondering for some time when the two giants of American social media would square up for what promises to be a comparably brutal battle. Finally, it began last month - and where else but on Twitter?
