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Saudi Arabia Has Finally Figured Out How To Get Washington's Attention: Lobbyists

Saudi Arabia Has Finally Figured Out How To Get Washington's Attention: Lobbyists

Over the past few months, the United States has had a sudden renewed interest in the details surrounding the 9/11 terror attacks, mainly due to the buzz that was created by a 60 Minutes special which told of a the last 28 pages of an investigative report being classified and not included in the final report handed over to the 9/11 commission. The pages allegedly have credible evidence that implicates the government of Saudi Arabia as being complicit in the attacks.

Federal Reserve Accidentally Admits It Is Causing Inequality

Federal Reserve Accidentally Admits It Is Causing Inequality

Less than a decade ago, the mere hint that the Fed was either propping up markets or actively pushing them higher was enough to get one branded a conspiracy theorist loon and never again invited to polite conversation. Since then first Bernanke, and then virtually all central bankers both domestic and foreign have admitted that the "wealth effect", a polite way of saying pushing up asset prices, has been their primary goal and function.

Meet The Syrian Al-Qaeda Linked Rebel Who Freely Visited America Last Year

Submitted by Mike Krieger via Liberty Blitzkrieg blog,

With all the U.S.-trained fighters dead, captured or missing and their leader in the hands of Al Qaeda, top U.S. commanders are scrambling this week to determine how to revive the half-billion dollar program to create a moderate Syrian army to fight the Islamic State.

