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What Would a Viable Third-Party Look Like in 2016?

As I fully expected them to, most of the institutional GOP has fallen into line behind their standard-bearer, whatever their private reservations. A handful of intellectuals – mostly neoconservatives who have long had ties to both parties – have openly defected to Clinton, which makes perfect sense since her foreign policy views are largely congenial to them, and foreign policy is what they care about most of all. But most of those who previously expressed disdain or alarm about Trump are being cajoled or bullied into supporting the nominee.

Fed Up With The Fed

Fed Up With The Fed

Submitted by Charles Hugh-Smith of OfTwoMinds blog,

Destroying our ability to discover the real cost of assets, credit and risk has not just crippled the markets--it's crippled the entire economy.

Is anyone else fed up with the Federal Reserve? To paraphrase Irving Fisher's famous quote about the stock market just before it crashed in 1929, we've reached a permanently high plateau of Fed mismanagement, Fed worship and Fed failure.

Acts Of Edifying Rebellion

I’m reviewing reform conservative thinker Yuval Levin’s new book The Fractured Republic: Renewing America’s Social Contract in the Age of Individualism, so I don’t want to say too much about it on the blog just yet. It’s a terrific book and an important book, and it offers a new way to think about American politics, beyond the stale left-right ideologies.
