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Bloomberg Billionaires

"Bitcoin Is Gold 2.0": Winklevoss Twins Call Out Jamie Dimon, "Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is"

"Bitcoin Is Gold 2.0": Winklevoss Twins Call Out Jamie Dimon, "Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is"

Cameron and Tyler Winklevoss, thought to be the world's first confirmed bitcoin billionaires, said, during a Bloomberg TV interview this morning that the advent of futures is just the beginning of a phase of greater acceptance for the cryptocurrency that is often derided as a bubble.

"We think it’s the starting gun to a whole new phase of liquidity and price discovery and sophisticated entrance to the market."

ECB Caught In Sprawling Scandal After Bonds It Owns Implode

ECB Caught In Sprawling Scandal After Bonds It Owns Implode

While you were sleeping, the stock and bonds of a relatively unknown company in the US, but is a household name in much of the rest of the world, Steinhoff International Holdings NV, plunged after its chief executive officer resigned amid accounting irregularities, with the company announcing that it was indefinitely delaying the release of its results, citing a criminal and tax investigation in Germany that dates back to 2015, rocking a company that’s rapidly expanded from its roots in South Africa into a retail empire spanning Australia, Europe and the U.S.

"We’ll See Some Initial Panic": World Reacts To Billionaire Alwaleed's Stunning Purge

"We’ll See Some Initial Panic": World Reacts To Billionaire Alwaleed's Stunning Purge

A shocked world is gradually responding to the stunning news of the Saudi "countercoup" purge that took place overnight - the second in six months -  and which led to the arrest of 11 princes, 38 current and former senior officials on corruption charges from a newly established anti-corruption committee headed by Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, and which most notably resulted in the detention of Prince Alwaleed bin Talal, the billionaire Clinton Foundation donor with significant stakes in Citigroup and Twitter, and who famously feuded with president Donald Trump, calling him a "disgrace n
