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Stockman: The Trump Reflation Fantasy Ends On Day 100

Stockman: The Trump Reflation Fantasy Ends On Day 100

Authored by David Stockman via The Daily Reckoning blog,

In honor of the Donald’s “Mother of All Bomb” (MOAB) attack on the Hindu Kush mountains Thursday, let me introduce MOAD.

I’m referring to the “Mother of All Debt” crises, of course. The opening round is coming when Washington goes into shutdown mode on April 28, which happens to be Day 100 of the Donald’s reign.

Netflix Misses On Subs, Guides Lower; Burns $422 Million But Is Optimistic Thanks To Adam Sandler

Netflix Misses On Subs, Guides Lower; Burns $422 Million But Is Optimistic Thanks To Adam Sandler

Last quarter investors forgot the negative cash-flow, forgot the soaring cost of content, forgot the rampant competition, and forgot fact that Netflix slashed its domestic subscriber growth expectations, and just bought-the-f##king-record-high because international subscriber growth soared. This quarter, however, they may be less gullible because that surge in international subscribers not only did not happen, but missed by a whopping 370K subs, missing both the street forecast of 3.9 million and the company's own guidance of 3.7 million.

"Hell To Pay"

Authored by Economic Prism's MN Gordon, via,

Behind the Curve

Economic nonsense comes a dime a dozen.  For example, Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen “think(s) we have a healthy economy now.”  She even told the University of Michigan’s Ford School of Public Policy so earlier this week.  Does she know what she’s talking about?


Somehow, this cartoon never gets old…
