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Mnuchin Agrees With Trump: "Strong Dollar Over Short-Period Of Time Is Hurting US Economy"

In an interview with the FT, Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin discussed Trump's "tremendous" tax reform, and confirmed what many already knew: that the push to revise the US tax code has been dramatically slowed by the failure to repeal and replace Obamacare, and conceded that the administration’s timetable for ambitious tax reforms will be delayed. Mnuchin also said the target to get tax reforms through Congress and on President Donald Trump’s desk before August was “highly aggressive to not realistic at this point”.

We're All Yen Traders Now

Authored by Kevin Muir via The Macro Tourist blog,

Today’s post will have no answers. I am not sure anyone truly understands the strange day to day squiggles of the increasingly intertwined global financial system, but I wanted to highlight a relationship that cannot simply be monkeys typing Shakespeare.

North Korea Ambassador Tells UN: "US Has Pushed World To Brink Of Nuclear War"

North Korea Ambassador Tells UN: "US Has Pushed World To Brink Of Nuclear War"

Following US Vice President Pence's earlier remarks that "the era of strategic patience is over."

Ambassador Kim, North Korea's Permanent UN Representative, hosted a news conference in Ryong on "the consideration of non-proliferation in the DPRK to be held in the Security Council on April 28."
