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Is Bitcoin The Answer?

Is Bitcoin The Answer?

Authored by Paul Tustain via,

Governments have abused and distorted our money. How about a 'Bitcoin standard'...?

THIS is a subsection of a book that's coming later.

It seemed worth publishing now,  writes Paul Tustain, founder and chairman of BullionVault and co-founder of WhiskyInvestDirect.

What is money?

Wall Street Bonuses Set To Shrink Again This Year

Wall Street Bonuses Set To Shrink Again This Year

Bankers were thrilled last year when Wall Street bonuses climbed for the first time in years after falling more than 15% in 2015. But unfortunately, even with equity markets around the world at record highs in 2017, volatility across asset class plunged this year - with the Dow seeing its least volatile year on record by some measures - has plunged, decimating bonus pools across asset classes, Bloomberg said.

Tax Reform & The "Japanification" Of America

Tax Reform & The "Japanification" Of America

Authored by Lance Roberts via,

On Friday, Kevin Brady of the House Ways and Means Committee was on my radio program discussing the “Tax Cuts & Jobs Act” bill which was released later in the day.

Here are the details of the release he referenced in the interview.

Of course, the real question is how are you going to “pay for it?”
