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Oil Bankruptcies Hit Highest Level Since Crisis And There's "More To Come", Fed Warns

Oil Bankruptcies Hit Highest Level Since Crisis And There's "More To Come", Fed Warns

“Two things become clear in an analysis of the financial health of US hydrocarbon production: 1) the sector is not at all homogenous, exhibiting a range of financial health; 2) some of the sector indeed looks exposed to distress [and] lifelines for distressed producers could include public equity markets, asset sales, private equity, or consolidation. If all else fails, Chapter 11 may be necessary.” That’s Citi’s assessment of America’s “shale revolution”, which the Saudis have been desperately trying to crush for more than a year now. 

Mark Ruffalo Says That Monsanto Poisons People

Actor Mark Ruffalo has spoken out against the dangers of Monsanto to people’s health and to the farming community.  Shortly before confronting Monsanto CEO Hugh Grant on television, Ruffalo was in the green room watching Grant on screen evading all the questions he was asked by the host. Ruffalo commented that he was disgusted whilst he sat watching the “guy who is responsible for so much misery and sickness throughout the world slime his way through his interview.” When Grant came into the green room, Ruffalo told him this: “You are wrong. You are engaged in monopolizing food.

Exclusive: "And It's Gone... It's All Gone" - The One Gold Scandal That Goes To The Very Top

Long before Turkey was flagrantly arming and funding the CIA-created "terrorist organization" known as ISIS, there was another, far more elaborate way in which Turkey was flaunting international sanctions against an ostracized state - in this case Iran - which involved an epic gold smuggling triangle of Hollywood-thriller proportions, all made possible thanks to the United Arab Emirate city of Dubai.

Manhattan Luxury-Home Prices Drop For 8th Straight Month Amid "Glut In Overpriced Apartments"

The poor are getting poorer but the rich, it appears, are no longer getting richer. With apartment vacancies at 9-month highs, Bloomberg reports that Manhattan's luxury-home market is rapidly losing its luster. Prices have been dropping every month since February, when they reached their highest point on record, and, as one analyst notes, "the downward trend in that decline hasn’t abated, and we haven’t seen it wavering in any way."

As we detailed previously,
