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Financial Warfare & The Big Reset: Koos Jansen Interviews Willem Middelkoop

Submitted by Koos Jansen via,

The very reason I became interested in gold after the financial crisis in 2008 was because of Dutch gold guru, author, journalist, entrepreneur, and fund manager Willem Middelkoop. When I started reading his books I was immediately obsessed with economics and the gold market – along with thousands of others across the world.  Who would have thought that I would become a precious metals analyst a few years later?

Markets Brace For More Fund Liquidations As Junk, Investment Grade And Loan Fund Outflows Soar

Among the fixed income community, this week's most important number, more so than the pre-telegraphed 25 bps increase in the Fed's interest rate, was the weekly report of capital flows in and out of bond funds by Lipper/EPFR, which came out moments ago and which following last week's junk bond fund fireworks involving Third Avenue and several other gating or liquidating funds, was expected to be a doozy.
