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The Chart That Everyone Is Talking About

Something has changed...

For months high yield bond yields have been compressed alongside rising stock prices as the flood of global liquidity from central banks.

ECB buying has driven European junk bond yields below those of US Treasuries and in turn that has pressured global high yield risk lower - despite a rise in leverage to record highs.

However, the last two weeks have seen a big shift in flows as investors have fled high yield funds and pushed into investment grade and Treasuries.


Uh-Oh...Draghi's Ammunition To Buy Italian Bonds Before The Election Is Less Than We Thought

Uh-Oh...Draghi's Ammunition To Buy Italian Bonds Before The Election Is Less Than We Thought

Having successfully pulled off the announcement of the ECB’s “dovish taper” – where monthly bond purchases will be halved to Euro 30 billion from January 2018 – last month, a challenge for Mario Draghi in Q1 2018 has appeared on his radar. The ECB’s bond buying ammunition is slightly less than analysts thought and there is the small matter of the looming Italian election. The latter is likely to be held in March 2018, although it could take place as late as May. Veteran strategist, now Bloomberg columnist, Marcus Ashworth explains in "Italy's Shrinking Safety Net".
