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California Conservatives: “We’re Scared For Our Lives”

Conservatives in California claim they are forced to live a double life and keep their mouths shut out of fear for their lives, proving yet again that liberals are tolerant and loving only if you share their ideology. “Just for my physical safety, my personal safety, I have to keep my mouth shut,” said Robert Ward, a Bay Area conservative who describes the fascist ideology permeating the state of California, with free speech being trampled on by zealous liberals who shout down and physically assault anyone who disagrees with them.

California To Add ‘Non-Binary’ Gender On Drivers Licenses

California are set to introduce new legislation that will add a third gender option on drivers’ licenses in order for people to officially register as “non-binary”.  Non-binary people (also known as genderqueers) are people who say they do not fit within the “male and female” traditional definition. The “Gender Recognition Act” will allow nonbinary people to list a third gender on their drivers’ licenses and change the sex listed on their birth certificates without having to undergo a sex change.

California Considering Legislation To Recognize New Gender; Are You "Male, Female, or Nonbinary"?

California Considering Legislation To Recognize New Gender; Are You "Male, Female, or Nonbinary"?

America, meet The Gender Recognition Act of 2017, a.k.a SB 179, a new little piece of California legislation, drafted by two Democratic State Senators, that corrects the widely accepted, if quite oppressive and ancient, notion that only two genders exist for the human race.  How have we lived this ridiculous lie for so long?  

California Declares State ‘Safe Space’ For Terrorists

Authorities in California are planning to turn the entire state into a giant ‘safe space’ zone for potential terrorists by completely opening up their borders to all immigrants.  New emergency legislation being pushed through The Senate Public Safety Committee will prohibit all law enforcement officers from cooperating with border agents, ignoring federal laws put in place by President Trump. If the legislation passes, it could make California Governor Jerry Brown guilty of conspiracy to violate federal immigration laws.
