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CBOE Volatility

The Complete Idiot's Guide To Being An Idiot

Authored by MN Gordon via,

There are many things that could be said about the GOP tax bill.  But one thing is certain.  It has been a great show.

Obviously, the time for real solutions to the debt problem that’s ailing the United States came and went many decades ago.  Instead of addressing the Country’s mounting insolvency, lawmakers chose the expedient without exception.  They kicked the can from yesterday to today.

It's Official: October Was The Calmest Stock Market Month... Ever

It's Official: October Was The Calmest Stock Market Month... Ever

As traders commemorated the 30th anniversary of Black Monday, amid the rising uncertainty of US tax reform, European sedition, MidEast tensions, ongoing Asian sabre-rattling, and global monetary policy hawkishness, US equity markets experienced the quietest month in their history.

Despite historically being the most volatile month of the year...


The CBOE Volatility Index recorded the lowest monthly average in its history, according to data compiled by Bloomberg.

