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Department of Justice

Debunking Loretta Lynch's One-Sided 'Chicago Cops Are Racist Villains' Statistics

Debunking Loretta Lynch's One-Sided 'Chicago Cops Are Racist Villains' Statistics

Is it fake news when on MLK weekend Loretta Lynch issues a scorching 164 page report blasting Chicago police for using force on Blacks 10 times more often then Whites... but nowhere mentioning that Blacks are murdered 15 times more often than Whites, or that Blacks are the murders 20 times more often than Whites, or that Police are 30 times more often to be killed by a Black than by a White? Seems like a shot in the face at Jeff Sessions and a gift to BLM and civil rights leaders, in the final hour...

Justice Department Launches Probe Into FBI, DOJ Actions During Presidential Campaign

The Justice Department Inspector General has launched a review of the actions of the Federal Bureau of Investigations and Department of Justice leading up to the 2016 presidential election.

The review will include FBI Director James Comey's news conference in July and his two letters to the Hill in late October and early November.

Before the Nov. 8 election, Comey sent a letter to lawmakers that said the FBI discovered new emails related to Clinton.


NYT Reporter Writes: "If Donald Trump Targets Journalists, Thank Obama"

NYT Reporter Writes: "If Donald Trump Targets Journalists, Thank Obama"

In an oddly self-reflective moment of realization, The New York Times' investigative reporter James Risen, writes an oddly un-liberal op-ed pointing out the hypocrisy of Obama administration proclamations with regard 'free press' and transparency and the awkwardly dismal facts on the ground.

If Donald J. Trump decides as president to throw a whistle-blower in jail for trying to talk to a reporter, or gets the F.B.I. to spy on a journalist, he will have one man to thank for bequeathing him such expansive power: Barack Obama.

Federal Appeals Court Revives Hillary Email Case Leaving Key Decision To Trump's Attorney General

Federal Appeals Court Revives Hillary Email Case Leaving Key Decision To Trump's Attorney General

A federal appeals court for the District of Columbia has breathed new life into the Hillary email-gate scandal which will be music to the ears of Trump's "lock her up" supporters.  The case was filed by watchdog groups Judicial Watch and Cause of Action seeking to force the State Department to instruct the Department of Justice to file a federal records suit to recover Hillary's missing emails.  A lower court had previously ruled that the State Department's efforts to recover Hillary's emails were sufficient and threw the cases out.  But D.C.

UNSEALED: DOJ Confirms Holders of Securitized Loans Cannot Be Traced

UNSEALED: DOJ Confirms Holders of Securitized Loans Cannot Be Traced

UNSEALED: DOJ Confirms Holders of Securitized Loans Cannot Be Traced

Originally posted at
With additional edits by

In a filing unsealed on June 3, 2016, the Department of Justice (DOJ) confirms what many of us have known for years. Nobody, not even the U.S. Government, with massive resources, can determine who owns your loan and has the right to collect on your mortgage.
