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Department of Justice

Democrats Hammer "Tyrannical" Trump For "Monday Night Massacre"

Democrats Hammer "Tyrannical" Trump For "Monday Night Massacre"

House Democrats wasted no time in slamming President Trump's decision to fire the nation's top law enforcer after she refused to carry out his directives barring refugees and those traveling from Muslim-majority countries. In a Monday night political thriller, the White House said former Acting Attorney General Sally Yates "betrayed" the Justice Department at the threat of national security and was ousted just hours after she ordered DOJ lawyers not to enforce Trump's immigration order.

Trump Blasts "Delaying Democrats" As "Obama's Attorney General" Orders Justice Department Not To Defend Immigration Executive Order

Trump Blasts "Delaying Democrats" As "Obama's Attorney General" Orders Justice Department Not To Defend Immigration Executive Order

Update: President Trump responds...

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