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Department of Justice

Sessions Disputes Obama's "Racism" Allegations Among Chicago Cops; Warns Of Rise Of Violent Crime In America

Sessions Disputes Obama's "Racism" Allegations Among Chicago Cops; Warns Of Rise Of Violent Crime In America

Just over a month ago we wrote about the Obama administration's parting middle finger to the Chicago police force after the Department of Justice, led by then Attorney General Loretta Lynch, released what appeared to us to be a politically motivated report accusing the CPD of a "pattern of racial discrimination" and "unconstitutional use of force."  And while the DOJ's 164-page report was heavy on accusations and innuendo, it was mysteriously lacking on scientific facts to support their highly controversial claims.  Here's how we summarized the DOJ's findin

The Road To Hell Was Paved With Obama Cronyism

The Road To Hell Was Paved With Obama Cronyism

Submitted by Mike Krieger via Liberty Blitzkrieg blog,

President Donald Trump’s naïve (or willfully blind) notion that Wall Street will work better at raising capital if it is unleashed from strident Federal regulation is unhinged from the facts on the ground. Those facts, as illustrated above, are that the Boards of two of the largest banks in the U.S. are utterly spineless when it comes to holding their CEOs and employees accountable in the face of a tsunami of crimes.


How The Flash Crash Trader Was Scammed Out Of A $50 Million Fortune

How The Flash Crash Trader Was Scammed Out Of A $50 Million Fortune

The sad saga of Navinder Sarao, who on April 20, 2015 became the scapegoat for the May 2010 flash crash and was sentenced to up to 360 years in prison - he will find out later this year the actual length of his prison sentence - got its latest twist today thanks to a fascinating report how in addition to having lost his freedom, Nav also lost all of trading fortune, some $50 million of it.

State Of Washington v. Trump: Audio From The Appeals Court Hearing

The Justice Department has asked the Court U.S. of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit to reverse a lower-court order barring travel-ban enforcement.

The proceeding and oral arguments will be heard at 6 p.m. EST, The hearing will be conducted telephonically, meaning that the judges and attorneys will be participating from their chambers and offices in different parts of the country. The proceeding does not take place in a courtroom, nor will there be any subsequent press conferences at a courthouse.
