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More Than 60 Percent Of Yemenis On Brink Of Famine

More Than 60 Percent Of Yemenis On Brink Of Famine

Yemenis are on the brink of famine as the country continues being bombarded by relentless Saudi airstrikes. The UN food agency has warned that over 60 percent of the population or 17 million people, were in “crisis” or “emergency” food situations. In a report issued on Wednesday, the World Food Programme (WFP) said: “If humanitarian actors do not access all the people in need by the coming months, the situation may deteriorate dramatically” Press TV reports: The WFP warned that the provinces of Ta’izz and Hudaydah risked sinking into famine if they did not receive more aid.

Roger Stone Jr Survives Assassination Attempt After Exposing Corrupt ‘Deep State’

Roger Stone Jr Survives Assassination Attempt After Exposing Corrupt ‘Deep State’

Trump advisor Roger Stone survived an assassination attempt on Wednesday, amid rumors that his exposure of the Deep State’s plan to undermine Trump put him in dangers way. According to Stone, a mysterious dark tinted car collided into him, and insisted the collision “was no accident.” It is the second attempt on his life this year. Stone is one of the few Washington DC insiders willing to speak out against the Clintons, and has repeatedly called for Hillary Clinton to be prosecuted for mishandling classified emails when she was secretary of state.

UN: Millions In Yemen Face Severe Famine

UN: Millions In Yemen Face Severe Famine

The UN has warned that millions of Yemenis face a severe famine as Saudi Arabia continue their relentless bombing campaign against Yemen.  According to a report issued by the UN food agency, 60% of people in Yemen, around 17 million people, will die unless a food crisis can be averted. “If humanitarian actors do not access all the people in need by the coming months, the situation may deteriorate dramatically,” a report by the World Food Programme (WFP) said.

Merck Sued In Federal Court Over Their Shingles Vaccine

Merck Sued In Federal Court Over Their Shingles Vaccine

Big Pharma Merck and Co. are being sued over their shingles vaccine Zostavax. The vaccine pulled in $749 million in sales last year for Merck. Several patients filed lawsuits claiming that Merck’s shingles vaccine caused serious injury and death. Attorneys have said that many more cases are on the way. Vaxxter reports: The plaintiffs have sued in Pennslyvania federal courts. “I think Merck has failed terribly … to warn about the very serious side effects and the failure of the vaccine to do what they claim it does,” attorney Marc Bern told FiercePharma. Bern, founding partner at Marc J.
