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World Health Organization: Smart Meters Are Making People Ill

World Health Organization: Smart Meters Are Making People Ill

Smart meters cause a “cornucopia of health issues” for occupants of the 57 million American homes equipped with the new technology, according to the World Health Organization and The news comes after a major university study into the “smart meter scam” revealed that the new meters regularly “overcharge consumers by up to 582%” while at the same time collecting owner’s data which is then sold to third parties for further profit. Electric utilities have embraced smart meters, pushing aggressively for the mass rollout of the wireless technology.

50 Million Americans Brace For Major Blizzard In US Northeast

A major Nor'easter threatens to shut down travel due to heavy snow and strong winds from Washington, D.C., to New York City and Boston early this week, as weather forecasters on Sunday put the U.S. East Coast on a blizzard watch, warning some 50 million people of potential snowfall from 12 to 18 inches, coupled with wind blasts in some areas from Monday night into Wednesday. New York City issued a snow alert for Monday night, preparing its fleet of snow plows to deal with the fallout.

Mexico: More Than 200 Bodies Found In Hidden Graves

Mexico: More Than 200 Bodies Found In Hidden Graves

The remains of at least 242 people have been discovered in mass graves by Mothers searching for their missing children. Most of the victims are believed to have been in their teens and early 20s. Mexican authorities say that the bodies were found in 124 hidden graves over a six-month period in the country’s eastern state of Veracruz. were discovered by mothers searching for their missing children, officials said Friday.

Radioactive Boars Terrorise Japan In Wake Of Fukushima

Radioactive Boars Terrorise Japan In Wake Of Fukushima

Hundreds of boars damaged by radiation from the Fukushima disaster have taken over at least two towns in Japan, causing panicked residents to flee the area.  Following the Fukushima nuclear plant meltdown six years ago, thousands of residents in towns and villages nearby were forced to leave their homes. Upon returning recently, however, they were greeted by angry mutant boars scavenging for food and rapidly reproducing in the area. It is believed that the boars ate food and plants that were exposed to dangerous levels of radiation, causing them to mutate.

Caught On Video: Radioactive Wild Boar Roam Fukushima

Caught On Video: Radioactive Wild Boar Roam Fukushima

With humans long gone, and robots dying off amid the radiation, Fukushima has become home to 'something else'.

When the exclusion zone was set up almost exactly 6 years ago this week - with the surrounding towns population evacuated to a safe distance - The Mirror reports that hundreds of the wild boars, which have been known to attack people when enraged, descended from surrounding hills and forests into the deserted streets.
