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TEPCO Admits Fukushima Radiation Levels Reach Record Highs As Hole In Reactor Discovered

TEPCO Admits Fukushima Radiation Levels Reach Record Highs As Hole In Reactor Discovered

With just 3 years left until the 2020 Olympics, Japan is likely desperate to reassure the world's athletes that all is well, but an admission from TEPCO - the Fukushima nuclear plant operator - that they discovered a hole at least one square meter in size beneath the reactor's pressure vessel, and lethal record-high radiation levels have been detected, will not likely reassure anyone.

Radiation Levels Hit Record High At Fukushima Reactor

The Fukushima nuclear power plant’s (NPP) operator has detected extremely high radiation levels at a damaged reactor at the Fukushima power plant in Japan. Radiation levels that are lethal after brief exposure were found inside the second reactor on Thursday Tokyo Electric Power Company also found a  hole which was likely caused by melted nuclear fuel was also discovered at the reactor.

Earth’s Poles “About To Flip” Say Scientists – Mass Extinctions Coming

Scientists are warning that the Earth’s magnetic poles are about to flip unexpectedly, which could lead to mass extinctions across the planet.  According to observers working within a global network of ground-based observatories, when the pole flip happens – scientists will be aware of it only a few hours in advance. reports: The alteration in the magnetic field during a reversal will weaken its shielding effect, allowing heightened levels of radiation on and above Earth’s surface.

Delta Lifts Stop Grounding All Domestic Flights For Over Two Hours Due To Computer Glitch

Delta Lifts Stop Grounding All Domestic Flights For Over Two Hours Due To Computer Glitch

Update: as of 9:30pm ET, Delta said in an advisory that the ground stop has been lifted.

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One week after United Continental was forced to ground its flights for nearly three hours due to a computer failure, on Sunday around 7pm Eastern, Delta Air Lines - the second-largest US airline  - halted all U.S. flights because of another technology glitch.
