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DHS Chaos: US Borders ‘Wide Open’ As Top Leaders Quit

Insiders at the DHS have warned that the nations security is at risk as bosses are leaving the agency en masse since Trump’s election victory. According to six DHS sources, Trump’s controversial executive orders have caused an avalanche of mass departures from senior staffers which have left the agency in “complete chaos”. reports: This means senior staff who would otherwise be asked to leave may be kept on while the agency figures out how to respond to the inundation of executive orders from President Trump.

United Airlines Lifts Nationwide Ground-Stop After IT "Glitch"

United Airlines Lifts Nationwide Ground-Stop After IT "Glitch"

And hour after the 'glitch', United just tweeted that the ground-stop has been lifted...

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Yet again, a so-called IT glitch has wreaked havoc with an American airline.

Volcano Explosion Could Cause Global Catastrophe

The deadly North Korean super volcano, Mount Paektu, is set to erupt and cause a global catastrophe, the likes of which would not have been seen for a thousand years. The 9,000 feet giant volcano located on the border between North Korea and China is the highest peak of the Korean Peninsula. Mount Paekdu is not far from a North Korean nuclear test facility where the government is conducting nuclear bomb tests. The active volcano is responsible for one of the deadliest eruptions in human history and experts believe history is about to repeat itself.
