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Dow 20

David Rosenberg Warns "The 35-Year-Old Bond Bull Market Is Not Over"

David Rosenberg Warns "The 35-Year-Old Bond Bull Market Is Not Over"

"I don't buy it at all" exclaims Gluskin Sheff's David Rosenberg in a recent interview with, "look all I'll say is that in 2009, 2010 when the Fed embarked on QE, along with 0% interest rates every Tom, Dick and Harry portfolio manager and bond market pundit out there was screaming about the end of the secular bull market in bonds," and they were all wrong.

Submitted by Patrick Ceresna via,

Is It Smart For Trump To Embrace "Big League" Dow Gains? History Says No

Is It Smart For Trump To Embrace "Big League" Dow Gains?  History Says No

President Trump is anything but traditional.  He frequently says things that his predecessors would never have dared to utter publicly.  But, for the most part, his supporters applaud the candor and straight talk.

That said, one Presidential tradition that Trump may not want to break is celebrating stock market gains because what goes up, at least on Wall Street, usually comes crashing down in spectacular fashion at some point soon thereafter.  Alas, that didn't stop Trump from celebrating #Dow20K over twitter:

Coincidence? Dow Hits 20,000 As National Debt Reaches $20 Trillion

Submitted by Michael Snyder via The Economic Collapse blog,

The Dow Jones Industrial Average provides us with some pretty strong evidence that our “stock market boom” has been fueled by debt.  On Wednesday, the Dow crossed the 20,000 mark for the first time ever, and this comes at a time when the U.S. national debt is right on the verge of hitting 20 trillion dollars. 

