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Somali Terrorist Charged In Canada Attack Was Previously Deported From The U.S.

Somali Terrorist Charged In Canada Attack Was Previously Deported From The U.S.

Over the past year, amid Donald Trump's crackdown on refugees and illegal immigrants, Canada has emerged as a willing safe harbor for those whose welcomes (and visas) in the US had expired. This past January, in response to Trump's executive order on immigration, Canada's Prime Minister Justin Trudeau tweeted “To those fleeing persecution, terror & war, Canadians will welcome you, regardless of your faith,” adding that “Diversity is our strength."

"Act Of Terrorism": ISIS Attacker Stabs Cop, Rams Into Pedestrian Crowd In Edmonton

"Act Of Terrorism": ISIS Attacker Stabs Cop, Rams Into Pedestrian Crowd In Edmonton

In an incident that's being investigated as a possible "act of terrorism", an unnamed suspect stabbed an Edmonton police constable late Saturday night before trying to ram a truck into a crowd of pedestrians while being chased by police through downtown Edmonton Saturday night, according to the Globe and Mail.