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CNN Responds To Trump's "Fake News" Attack

Just minutes after Trump slammed CNN's reporter Jim Acosta, calling CNN "fake news", just after slamming Buzzfeed as a "failing pile of garbage", CNN issued a statement in response to Trump's attack, which effectively boils down to "we are not Buzzfeed" yet even though CNN said it did not publish the memo "because we have not corroborated the report's allegations" it still used it to create a front-page, uncorroborated "report."

Full CNN statement"

NYT Accuses CNN, BuzzFeed Of Peddling "Fake News" Over Russia Report

In a fascinating retort by the left-leaning NYT to the story of the day, namely the CNN-BuzzFeed narrative based on an unverified 35-page memo allegedly prepared by a UK intelligence officer, even "the paper of record" takes the two media outlets to town, and in an article titled "BuzzFeed Posts Unverified Claims on Trump, Stirring Debate" essentially accuses them of doing what CNN has accused so much of the 'alternative media' in doing when distributing "fake news."

Here are the key excerpts:

Is the NYTimes Exiting the Fake News Business?

Is the NYTimes Exiting the Fake News Business?

Don’t bet on it.

Keep in mind that the fake news did not originate with Buzzfeed but with the intelligence report on Russian election hacking. This is fake news courtesy of the CIA.

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U2 Announce ‘Strike’ To Protest Trump

Following in the footsteps of liberal celebrities calling for a “total Hollywood strike” until Trump resigns, aging rockers U2 have announced they are canceling the release of their upcoming album in protest, band members said in an interview. Speaking to Rolling Stone, guitarist The Edge said that U2 has canceled the release of the completed album and will take some “breathing space” because of Trump’s ascension to the White House. The 40-year-old group were set to release the album, Songs of Experience, which The Edge said was finished toward the end of last year.
