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As Trump Momentum Grows, An Unexpected Supporter Emerges

With the Trump juggernaut (which was unthinkable for most of the "sophisticated" media punditry and analysts) growing stronger by the day toward the all important Florida and Ohio primaries, and after that straight to the showdown with Hillary Clinton, the real estate tycoon is gradually showing a more moderate side, one which was put on display during last night's GOP debates.

Through Wendell Berry’s Looking Glass

Through Wendell Berry’s Looking Glass

What is the purpose of film?

For some, it is to entertain: to draw moviegoers with humor and sex, intrigue and violence. The meaning and meat of a film matters less than the money it draws. For others, films are meant to inform and transform: to convince watchers that some piece of knowledge should change their lives.

But for Austin-based filmmaker Laura Dunn, filmmaking is primarily about telling a story. And while stories can transform, convict, and entertain, none of these things matter to her as much as being true to the story itself.

Eagles of Death Metal Singer: Paris Attacks Were An Inside Job

The singer of the Eagles of Death Metal band issued a bombshell statement on Thursday, claiming that the Paris attacks were an inside job. The singer says he saw security guards at the Bataclan club show signs of having foreknowledge the attacks were going to take place before the audience arrived. Jesse Hughes said he felt uneasy whilst the band were setting up for their November 13 show, when he realised one of the backstage guards refused to make eye contact with the band. “I didn’t like him at all. And so I immediately went to the promoter and said, ‘Who’s that guy?

Charlie Sheen and Whoopi Goldberg To Star In 9/11 Truth Film

9/11 activist Charlie Sheen and actress Whoopi Goldberg have announced their plans to star in a film about the September 11 attacks, which starts filming on Monday.  “Nine Eleven,” Written and Directed by Martin Guigui and co-written by Steven Golebiowski, will depict five people trapped in the elevator in one of the World Trade Center buildings, following their struggle to survive.
