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Professor Jim Fetzet Tells Us Things That The Presstitutes Do Not

In this video Professor Jim Fetzer examines 9/11, Boston Marathon Bombing, Sandy Hook, San Bernardino, and the Paris attack. It is a very challenging presentation that reflects exhaustive investigation.

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Audience Faint Watching Play About ‘Love’ At The National Theatre

Five people lost consciousness while watching a play at the National Theatre on London’s South Bank. The production of “Cleansed” by Katie Mitchell is based on a play by Sarah Kane and depicts scenes of torture, rape and violence. The director said she believed the play was more about love than violence, with the “durability” of the unfortunate participants’ affections being tested. The BBC reports: People were warned of “graphic scenes of physical and sexual violence” in promotional material, the theatre said.

Truman Show USA - "Concerned Citizens" At Townhall Meetings Exposed As Paid Actors

Submitted by Mike Krieger via Liberty Blitzkrieg blog,

Here’s a bothersome trend that seems quite fitting for the smoke and mirrors driven, celebrity obsessed, hologram society that America has become. A company known as Crowds on Demand is actually in the business of providing fake protesters for causes, fake entourages for wanna be celebrities and seemingly even fake supporters for unpopular corporate activities.

