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Malcolm McDowell Says ‘A Clockwork Orange’ Is Becoming A Reality

Actor Malcolm McDowell has said the film he starred in over 44 years ago -“A Clockwork Orange” – is becoming a reality in today’s world.  The film by Stanley Kubrick depicts “a world in which all older people stayed indoors with their televisions on,” McDowell says. “And that’s basically what happened“. reports: “It’s just the young people out there doing drugs — and he foretold all this before the drug explosion.” The film, like the book, depicts a dystopian future filled with “ultra-violence,” gangs of “droogs” and depravity at every turn.

North Korea Attacks South With Toilet Paper Balloons

North Korea has responded to South Korea’s loud propaganda music incursions across the Demilitarized Zone by sending balloons laden with propaganda messages and waste to the south. The balloons were loaded with used toilet paper, tissues, cigarette butts and propaganda leaflets. The Telegraph reports: The South Korean authorities were so concerned at the contents of balloons wafting over the heavily fortified Demilitarised Zone that they initially feared a biochemical attack, the JoongAng Daily reported.

German Tourist Illegally Scales The Great Pyramid of Giza

A German teenager has filmed himself climbing one of the “Seven Wonders of the Ancient World,” the Cheops Pyramid in Egypt, the only remaining largely intact pyramid in the Giza pyramid complex. At the risk of going to jail or causing damage to the oldest wonder of the ancient world, 18-year-old, Andrej Ciesielski from Munich, decided to travel to Egypt and scale the 4,500-year-old Great Pyramid of Giza, also known as the Pyramid of Khufu, and capture the experience on film.

David Bowie Leaves Millions For Staff Members In Will

Music legend David Bowie, who died earlier this month, has left millions to members of staff  in his will. He also left instructions for his ashes to be scattered in Bali in accordance with Buddhist ritual. The Mirror reports: The 69-year-old singer – who died earlier this month after a secret cancer battle – reportedly left $2 million to his personal assistant and close friend Corinne “Coco” Schwab. A further $1 million went to his son Duncan’s former nanny Marion Skene. The rest of his money was divided, as expected between his family members.
