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Triggered: CNN's Jim Acosta Accuses Trump Of "Fake News Conference" In Poland

CNN's perpetually 'triggered' White House correspondent, Jim Acosta, has just decided to publicly share yet another personal melt down over twitter.  Apparently Acosta is sad that he flew all the way to Poland and didn't get to ask a question at the President's press conference.  Moreover, Acosta seems to be of the opinion that any press briefing that fails to incorporate the views of CNN is, by definition, a "fake news conference."

CNN President Jeff Zucker: "Trump Is Trying To Bully Us"

CNN President Jeff Zucker: "Trump Is Trying To Bully Us"

CNN President Jeff Zucker, rather than apologize for publishing fake news story after fake news story all in an effort, by his own admission mind you, to drive ratings for for his network, has decided to take a play from the 'disaffected liberal" playbook and pretend to be the victim in his rather public scuffle with President Trump.  In a new interview with the New York Times published yesterday, Zucker never once apologized for his network's credibility-crushing mistakes over the past several weeks but instead said that Trump "is trying to bully us."

The Clinton News Network is Imploding in Real Time, Even Gets Abe Lincoln Quote Wrong

The Clinton News Network is Imploding in Real Time, Even Gets Abe Lincoln Quote Wrong


Content originally published at

Much has been said about CNN's recent foray into the subject of morality -- holding opposition citizens accountable for the memes they create online. The idea that CNN would even think about investigating a person who jimmyrigged a CNN logo onto a WWF wrestling GIF is outrageous, indicative of an organization imploding from lack of leadership from within.

Who really cares about the juvenile GIF? Was it important enough to spend money and resources to find the anonymous poster?

Apparently so.

Documents Expose How Hollywood Promotes War On Behalf Of The Pentagon, CIA, & NSA

Documents Expose How Hollywood Promotes War On Behalf Of The Pentagon, CIA, & NSA

Authored by Tom Secker and Matthew Alford via,

Published by INSURGE INTELLIGENCE, a crowdfunded investigative journalism project for people and planet.


Tom Secker and Matthew Alford report on their astonishing findings from trawling through thousands of new US military and intelligence documents obtained under the Freedom of Information Act.

