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Filipinos May Soon Be Jailed For Not Singing The National Anthem Enthusiastically

Filipinos May Soon Be Jailed For Not Singing The National Anthem Enthusiastically

Authored by Josie Wales via,

New legislation that would make enthusiastic singing of the national anthem mandatory in the Philippines has been approved by the Philippine House of Representatives.

The act, known as the “Revised Flag and Heraldic Code” is a revision of an existing bill that will require all persons to stand, salute, and sing when the national anthem is played at a public event.

“The singing shall be mandatory and done with fervor,” it states.

Dopey Playboy WH Correspondent Milks Spotlight By Verbally Attacking Mike Cernovich On Camera

Dopey Playboy WH Correspondent Milks Spotlight By Verbally Attacking Mike Cernovich On Camera

Content originally published at

Playboy Magazine White House correspondent Brian Karem has risen to recent notoriety as the MSM's White House Press Corps defender-in-chief. After Deputy Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders addressed the topic of MSM bias on Tuesday - referencing an undercover video released by Project Veritas featuring a CNN Producer effectively admitting that the network is Fake News, the Playboy White House correspondent decided enough was enough.

Project Veritas Exposes CNN's Van Jones: "The Russia Thing Is Just A Big Nothing Burger"

Yesterday, after dropping his first undercover CNN bombshell, which starred producer John Bonifield admitting that CNN's endless 'Russian meddling' crusade was "mostly bullshit" directed by the network's CEO Jeff Zucker with the sole intent of spiking ratings, Project Veritas' James O'Keefe promised there was more to come.  And, all we knew was that the subject of the second video would be "someone we all knew..."
