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Scott Cahill: Collapse Risk At The Oroville Dam Is Still Unacceptably High

Scott Cahill: Collapse Risk At The Oroville Dam Is Still Unacceptably High

Authored by Adam Taggart via,

Remember the crisis earlier this year at the Oroville Dam?

The overflow from California's winter of heavy rain threatened to overpower our country's tallest dam. A cascading failure of the dam's main gates, its primarily spillway AND its emergency spillway had the world watching hour by hour to see if a catastrophic breach was going to occur.

Norway Removes Greenpeace Ship From Statoil Arctic Drill Site

Norway Removes Greenpeace Ship From Statoil Arctic Drill Site

Authored by Zainab Calcuttawala via,

Norway’s coast guard has removed Greenpeace protestors from a safety zone near Statoil drilling operations in the Korpfjell field of the Barents Sea, according to a new report in the Maritime Executive.

The protestors used kayaks to infiltrate a 500-meter exclusion zone around the Songa Enabler on Thursday in order to attach a large globe to the rig. On it was a statement from environmentalists calling on Norway to end its drilling in the Arctic.
