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Trump Orders EPA Contract Freeze And Media Blackout

The Trump administration has instituted gag orders and freezes on the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) and the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). Trump has banned Environmental Protection Agency staff from talking to press after suspending all contracts Other agencies, including the US Department of Agriculture and the Health and Human Services, have been issued similar gag orders EPA staff were instructed to freeze all its grants and contracts, as well as to stop communicating with the media and on social media.

New Bill Will Allow United States To Exit UN

A Republican-proposed House Resolution aiming to terminate US membership of the UN has quietly slipped past public radar and been introduced in Congress. The proposed bill sets to rectify Israel’s image on the world stage and save money for the US. At the same time it aims to bypass climate change and gun regulations/controls and to allow Big Oil uninhibited access to pollute the planet. The new bill would set the stage for the United States to terminate its membership in the United Nations. The proposal could throw the world body under the bus at the most crucial time in its history.

"Rogue National Park" Deletes Tweets After Defying Trump

The Badlands National Park, in an apparent effort to stay true to it's name, sent out a series of tweets earlier today about climate change which were most likely intended specifically to ruffle the feathers of the new Trump administration.  The tweets have since been deleted but not before being retweeted thousands of times.

“Today, the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is higher than at any time in the last 650,000 years. #climate”


Transcanada Responds To Trump Executive Order: Says Keystone XL Will Add $3 Billion To US GDP

In a response filed moments ago by TransCanada, the company said it is currently preparing a follow up application, and will take up President Donald Trump’s invitation to again seek permit for the Keysteon XL pipeline. It further adds that Keystone XL will add more than $3 billion to U.S. GDP and create “thousands” of construction jobs.

Full statement below:

We appreciate the President of the United States inviting us to re-apply for KXL.

