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"Rogue National Park" Deletes Tweets After Defying Trump

The Badlands National Park, in an apparent effort to stay true to it's name, sent out a series of tweets earlier today about climate change which were most likely intended specifically to ruffle the feathers of the new Trump administration.  The tweets have since been deleted but not before being retweeted thousands of times.

“Today, the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is higher than at any time in the last 650,000 years. #climate”


“Flipside of the atmosphere; ocean acidity has increased 30% since the Industrial  Revolution. ‘Ocean Acidification" #climate #carboncycle’”


"Burning one gallon of gasoline puts nearly 20lbs of carbon dioxide into our atmosphere. #climate"


According to The Hill, the now-deleted tweets came just as the Trump administration was taking steps to crack down on rogue agencies tweeting out messages that run afoul of their stated policies.

The tweets came — and were deleted — amid a Trump administration crackdown on social media activities from several key agencies, including the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).


The Interior Department itself drew fire from Trump officials on his first day in office, when the agency was banned from tweeting after retweeting messages about the size of Trump’s inauguration ceremony crowd.


On Tuesday, Trump’s team banned the EPA from sending social media updates or talking to reporters, the Associated Press reported.


That followed news of a Department of Agriculture gag order on the distribution of scientific research and communications with the press.

While the following Trump tweet from 2012 probably shouldn't be taken literally, it is nonetheless an indication that he probably isn't 100% in-sync with America's progressive climate change scientists and/or the Park Rangers at the Badlands National Park.


Finally, we would just note that while we don't have an official position on climate change, if the climate is indeed broken we're almost certain that the Russians are to blame.