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California Bans Cow Farts To Combat Global Warming

Farmers in California have been ordered to stop their cows from farting, or face paying an unspecified fine by State regulators.  In an attempt to reduce methane emissions by 40 per cent in order to tackle global warming, California Governor Jerry Brown signed a new law regulating the amount of methane ‘allowed’ to be released from cows. According to scientists, gasses produced by cow farts are a major source of methane, a greenhouse gas that contributes to global warming.

Scientists Issue Dire Warning About Worldwide Global Warming Floods

Scientists have warned that the Arctic is undergoing unusually rapid changes at the moment that will result in worldwide flooding as a result of global warming. According to an Arctic Council report, unless the world stops burning fossil fuels, the turbulent changing occuring in the Arctic could result in catastrophic effects for the wildlife that live there and the rest of humanity on the planet. Rising sea levels are already eroding away at America’s coastlines, and threaten to cause entire islands to sink underwater.

China Escalates Tensions In Asia's Water Wars

China Escalates Tensions In Asia's Water Wars

Authored by Brahma Chellaney, originally posted at Project Syndicate,

Tensions over water are rising in Asia – and not only because of conflicting maritime claims. While territorial disputes, such as in the South China Sea, attract the most attention – after all, they threaten the safety of sea lanes and freedom of navigation, which affects outside powers as well – the strategic ramifications of competition over transnationally shared freshwater resources are just as ominous.

NASA Data Debunks ‘Man-Made Global Warming’

Stunning new data from NASA indicates El Nino drove record high temperatures, suggesting man-made emissions are not to blame for global warming after all. Global average temperatures have fallen more than 1 degree since the middle of this year – coinciding with the end of El Nino – and now some scientists are arguing that the high temperatures of previous years were caused by El Nino, a cyclical natural phenomenon that has nothing to do with greenhouse gas emissions by humans. The stunning new NASA data revealing the huge drop in temperatures suggests they were right.
