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Scientists Issue Dire Warning About Worldwide Global Warming Floods

Scientists have warned that the Arctic is undergoing unusually rapid changes at the moment that will result in worldwide flooding as a result of global warming. According to an Arctic Council report, unless the world stops burning fossil fuels, the turbulent changing occuring in the Arctic could result in catastrophic effects for the wildlife that live there and the rest of humanity on the planet. Rising sea levels are already eroding away at America’s coastlines, and threaten to cause entire islands to sink underwater. Reuters reports: “Arctic ecosystems are changing in dramatic ways: the ice is melting, sea levels are rising, coastal areas are eroding, permafrost is thawing, and the areas where plants and animals live are shifting,” said the report. It identifies 19 “regime shifts” – meaning major, hard-to-predict tipping points – that have happened, or could occur, in the Arctic’s land and water. They include a switch to sea-ice free summers and the collapse of various fish stocks. Those shifts affect the stability of the climate and landscape, the ability of plant and animal species to survive, and indigenous peoples’ subsistence and ways of life, the report added. The potential impacts of Arctic regime shifts on the rest of [...]

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