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Experts Want To Stop Calling Breastfeeding Natural

An article in the journal Pediatrics is calling on health professionals to stop saying that breastfeeding is natural. The authors argue that calling breastfeeding ‘natural’, which it is, gives the impression that natural parenting practices are healthier. A public campaign has also been started to end the positive use of the word ‘natural’, alleging that it is linked to “problematic” practices like home birthing, homeschooling and the rejection of GMO food and even vaccinations.

What Janet Hath Wrought...

What Janet Hath Wrought...

"Unequivocally" dovish Yellen has sent oil prices soaring this morning - because, well who the f##k knows anymore.


Strength in gold and bonds yesterday was clearly not acceptable and now traders are rushing into Biotech safe-havens and dumping protection (VIX at 13.40 - lowest since Oct 2015).


With hedgies piling into short VIX bets at the fastest pace ever...


Thanks Gartman.

Japanese Industrial Production Crashes Most Since 2011 Tsunami

Japanese Industrial Production Crashes Most Since 2011 Tsunami

While we are sure this will not deter Japanese officialdom from declaring that QQE and NIRP is working and that the deflation-mindset is being beaten, the fact is that when February's 6.2% collapse in Japanese industrial production is compared to the devastatingly poor plunge aftwer March 2011's quake, tsusnami, and nuclear 'event', something has gone disastrously wrong in Japan.

Across every sub-sector, it was a total disaster...


Find the silver-lining in that - we dare you!

California To Delay BPA & Chemical Warnings On Canned Food

California has decided that, in order to protect the poor, it will delay the implementation of state-required safety warnings on canned food. The state argues that stores and shoppers in lower-income areas may be scared away from tinned food which for some is the only available source of fruits and vegetables California officials are worried that ultra-specific labels warning about BPA and other poisonous chemicals placed on metal cans may cause many to run the other way.

Alaska’s Mount Pavlof Volcano Erupts, Flights Cancelled

The Pavlof Volcano in southwest Alaska erupted Sunday afternoon sending plumes of ash 3,700 feet high and 400 miles inland across Alaska prompting the cancellation of dozens of flights. In a new release late on Monday night, the U.S. Geological Survey said that the intensity of the eruption had “declined significantly.” The Star reports: Pavlof Volcano, one of Alaska’s most active volcanoes, is 1005 kilometres southwest of Anchorage on the Alaska Peninsula, the finger of land that sticks out from mainland Alaska toward the Aleutian Islands.
