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Monsanto Has Always Been Evil

Monsanto, best known for it’s genetically modified seeds (GMOs) and roundup weedkiller, is one of the most hated companies in the world. In a 2013 poll, Monsanto was named the most evil corporation in the world, even managing to beat rivals like McDonald’s and the Federal Reserve by a wide margin. But many people are not fully aware of the history behind the multi-national biotech giant nor how far back their corruption really goes. According to Waking Times: Here are five things you may you may not have known about Monsanto, but should. 1.

Lack Of Panda Sex Blamed On Humans

Panda’s are known to be shy when it comes to mating and producing cubs, that is why there are so few of them around. The lack of motivation in sex had perplexed conservationists for more than 50 years. However, scientists now believe that human made noise pollution may be interfering with Panda mating protocols. Their findings is published in the journal of Global Ecology and Conservation. Mental Floss reports: Sound is an essential element of panda sex.

Monsanto Wins As USDA “Clears” Two GMO Corn Traits From Oversight

The USDA (U.S. Department of Agriculture) announced on Wednesday that it will no longer be regulate a genetically-modified corn developed by Monsanto to resist its own herbicide dicamba. The move means that it can now be planted without permits or other additional regulatory oversight from the agency. According to Reuters: Monsanto and other agricultural chemical companies produce seeds with built-in resistance to their weedkillers so that spraying with the chemicals does not destroy crops.

MH370: Investigators Say Mozambique Debris Likely From Plane

The mystery of what happened to Malaysian Airlines flight MH370 continued as officials said two newly discovered pieces of debris found in Mozambique in Africa are from the doomed flight.  The announcement was made on Thursday by Australian officials following the completion of an examination of the two pieces. CNN reports: “The analysis has concluded the debris is almost certainly from MH370,” said Australian Minister for Infrastructure and Transport Darren Chester.
