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Dangerous Mexican Volcano Threatens To Erupt

Thousands of people are on evacuation alert as one of world’s most dangerous volcanoes shows signs of a possible catastrophic eruption. Vast clouds of black smoke and ash have been bellowing from the Popocatépetl volcano 35 miles from Mexico City. The Mirror reports: The Popocatépetl volcano , located 35 miles from Mexico City, is showing warning signs for its first eruption since 2000. People within 10 miles of the mountain have been placed on yellow alert, ready to escape immediately if activity increases.

8,000 Dead Birds Wash Ashore In California

Thousands of dead seabirds have been reported as washed ashore on black rock beach in Whittier, California earlier this month.  Local biologist David Irons says he has never seen such a huge number of dead birds in such a small area before. “We have never found close to 8,000 birds on a 1-mile long beach before,” Irons said. “It is an order of magnitude larger than any records that I am aware of.” CNN reports: Biologists like Tamara Zeller have been boating around Prince William Sound scanning the beaches for dead and sickly murres.

History and the Limits of the Climate Consensus

I began my career as a historian of the century following 1660, an era of harsh climatic conditions that often affected political and cultural history. Some periods in particular, especially the years around 1680 and 1740, stand out as uniquely stressful. Extreme cold led to crop failures and revolts, social crises and apocalyptic movements, high mortality and epidemics, but it also spawned religious revivals and experimentation. If you write history without taking account of such extreme conditions, you are missing a lot of the story.

Farmers Predict Widespread Food Shortages To Hit America Soon

Two farmers have predicted that widespread food shortages are going to hit America, devastating the lives of millions. Cliff Harris and Ed Petrowski told The Common Sense radio show that due to government over-regulation of the farming industry, farmers are going out of business in record numbers, which is likely to lead to a food shortage in the coming years. Cliff Harris also pointed out that there would be a food shortage anyway due to extreme weather changes. This one hour interview explores what is really happening to the American food supply.

Shocking Report Says World’s Fish Being Replaced With Plastic Junk

A report by the World Economic Forum says that plastic junk in the world’s oceans will soon outweigh fish by the year 2015.  According to the shocking report, the worldwide use of plastic has increased 2000% in the last 50 years, and is expected to double in the next 20 years. reports: By 2050, we’ll be making more than three times as much plastic stuff as we did in 2014.
