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Fukushima Radiation Causing Mutation In U.S. Animals

Fukushima Radiation Causing Mutation In U.S. Animals

A mountain lion with a second set of teeth growing out of its head was found in Idaho, which scientists are saying may have been caused by Fukushima nuclear radiation arriving from across the Pacific ocean.  While experts have not been able to agree on the cause for the weird mutation, they fear that radiation may be the most obvious cause. reports: Regional wildlife biologist Zach Lockyer told Idaho State Journal the unusual deformity had left experts stumped. ‘It’s a bizarre situation and a bizarre photo,’ he added.

Scientists Say Yellowstone May Be About To Blow, Killing Millions

Scientists at the site of “supervolcano” Yellowstone have warned that there is a chance the volcano could erupt this volcano season, which would end up killing millions of people worldwide, and devastating the planet.  The scientists have warned that instances of volcanic eruptions are their highest for 300 years at the moment, and there is a 10% change of Yellowstone erupting this year.

Oklahoma: 26 Earthquakes Reported In 17 Hours

A series of small-medium earthquakes have rattled Oklahoma throughout Wednesday night, bringing a staggering 26 earthquakes to the region in just 17 hours.  A 4.7 magnitude tremor was followed just moments later by another 4.8 earthquake in an area 20 miles from Fairview, Oklahoma. reports: The quakes struck at depths of 2.1 and 3.7 miles below the surface. The twin earthquakes occurred at 10:27 p.m. CST Wednesday night and were felt from central Kansas to southern Oklahoma and the eastern Texas panhandle, including in Wichita, Kansas, and the Oklahoma City metropolitan area.
