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Massive Landslide Goes Unnoticed In North America

Record breaking landslides could be taking place right now that are not being registered. One of the largest landslides in over 30 years went unnoticed in the middle of the Alaskan wilderness. Motherboard reports: One such event occurred last October, when 200 million metric tons of rock—the equivalent to the weight of 1,104,972 blue whales—slid off the side of a remote mountain in Southeast Alaska, sending debris flying and launching a tsunami large enough to be measured by a tidal gauge nearly 100 miles away.

The Man That Could Save Ramadi & Fallujah From ISIL & Sectarianism

Defeating ISIL in Iraq requires coordination between the Sunni tribes and the Shiite dominated Iraqi government. The problem is however that the U.S is empowering both the Shiites and the Sunnis and thus is able to direct the course of events. The Sunni tribes were the ones who defeated the original Al-Qaeda in Iraq and are now the ones capable of eradicating ISIL. They need to be free of the threat of sectarianism in order to free their own towns and villages.

Severe Flood Warnings Prompt Evacuations In Parts Of UK

Heavy rain has caused more flooding in northern England, with hundred of people evacuated from their homes in Lancashire and Yorkshire. The British Army has been mobilized in some areas and rivers are overflowing in Manchester and Leeds. Damage has included the destruction of a former pub in Greater Manchester, and a large hole has appeared in the M62. Roads across North Wales have also been closed and the police have urged residents to refrain from traveling.

Rand Paul's Festivus Airing Of Grievances Against Government Waste

Rand Paul's Festivus Airing Of Grievances Against Government Waste

U.S. Senator Rand Paul today released a special ‘Festivus: Airing of Grievances for 2015’ edition of ‘The Waste Report,’ which is an ongoing project cataloguing egregious examples of waste within the U.S. government.

The ‘Festivus: Airing of Grievances for 2015’ edition highlights over 30 examples of wasteful spending, misplaced priorities, and bad management in the federal government that have cost the taxpayer more than one billion dollars.


Of the 31 examples amassed from the past year, a few high-points of the ‘The Waste Report’ include:
