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Visualizing the Material Impact of Global Urbanization

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Visualizing the Material Impact of Global Urbanization

This was originally posted on Elements. Sign up to the free mailing list to get beautiful visualizations on natural resource megatrends in your email every week.

Cities only cover 2% of the world’s land surface, but activities within their boundaries consume over 75% of the planet’s material resources.

Mapped: U.S. Wind Electricity Generation by State

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Mapping U.S. Wind Energy by State

This was originally posted on Elements. Sign up to the free mailing list to get beautiful visualizations on natural resource megatrends in your email every week.

Wind power is the most productive renewable energy source in the U.S., generating nearly half of America’s renewable energy.

Understanding Zinc’s Role in a Low-Carbon Economy

The following content is sponsored by Teck

Understanding Zinc’s Role in a Low-Carbon Economy

When asked to describe how the metal zinc is used, people often mention vitamins, sunscreen, or metal coating.

But few are aware of zinc’s applications in transportation, infrastructure, electronics, food security, and renewable energy.

This graphic by Teck shows how zinc is playing a key role in the low carbon economy.

Zinc, the Versatile Metal
